My dreams

Hello again. I come again to tell you about my life, I hope you read my story with pleasure, with the same pleasure with which I write it.
I would like to talk about my childhood, and when this feeling of wanting to write about it comes, the first memory that comes to mind is me, sitting at a desk when I was about 7 years old, I loved playing with books, and thinking that it was a secretary, loved to cut out books. But as time went by, my tastes changed. And I thought it would be a great idea to become a detective. I wanted to be a detective for a long time, until I realized that I could not be part of the PDI. Since, it did not meet one of the fundamental requirements. There my self-esteem fell for a while, after knowing this. Until one day after many years they made me go back to the psychologist for having some family complications and it was that day that I fell in love with the work done by these professionals. I loved that a person could help me that if I had not attended that place, I would never have met. That was the reason that made me decide to study psychology. Although the problem was that he was not sure if he would be able to get into college. I wanted to study at an institute but based on my little research I did not know if an institute exercised this career. I never thought I was capable of going to university because my family couldn't afford a pre-university, neither could private schools and to enter university I would have to have a great PSU score, according to what I thought. I did a program called PACE and there I saw an opportunity to get into college. I made an effort to get a pace to study psychology at the usach or be a teacher. Although I always had a card without playing up my sleeve, and without knowing what it was, I enrolled in the SIPEE of the University of Chile and miraculously I stayed in the career of my dreams and in the best University of Chile. After believing that
I was NOT going to be able to study in a professional institute, having entered the University of Chile was one of the best things that could have happened to me in life. It was my first option from the first moment, that option that we often see at the tip of the iceber, where turbulent storms do not let you reach and few dare to go in search of that opportunity. Being at the University of Chile is very difficult for me, but I don't give up, I make an effort and I get good grades. My study hours are from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep, from Monday to Saturday. I am very disciplined, and with that I have achieved an average of 65 in the first semester of university. After leaving university, I would like to be a forensic psychologist or a judicial psychologist, in either of the two, I would like to be part of a research team such as PDI. Since I always wanted it that way.


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